Rosenbrock - Extended Rosenbrock-Type Densities for Markov Chain Monte Carlo
(MCMC) Sampler Benchmarking
New Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) samplers new to be
thoroughly tested and their performance accurately assessed.
This requires densities that offer challenging properties to
the novel sampling algorithms. One such popular problem is the
Rosenbrock function. However, while its shape lends itself well
to a benchmark problem, no codified multivariate expansion of
the density exists. We have developed an extension to this
class of distributions and supplied densities and direct
sampler functions to assess the performance of novel MCMC
algorithms. The functions are introduced in "An n-dimensional
Rosenbrock Distribution for MCMC Testing" by Pagani, Wiegand
and Nadarajah (2019) <arXiv:1903.09556>.